Formulation of an intelligent and answerable question is the foundation for any Tarot Card reading. It is essential for the reader to have a clear understanding of what they are looking for in order to be able to interpret and provide meaningful advice. A well-thought-out question can help the reader connect with their intuition and make better use of their abilities.
When formulating questions it is important to remember that Tarot Cards are not meant to be used as predictions, instead, they should be used to gain clarity and insight into the current situation. Therefore, it is important to craft questions that do not lead or bias the reading but instead allow the reader room to interpret their own insights. Questions should also be phrased in terms that are concrete and clearly expressed as open-ended statements. For example, instead of asking “Will I find love?” one might phrase it as “What do I need to focus on in order to create a lasting relationship?”.
In addition, questions should focus on topics that are actionable rather than emotional. These types of questions offer direction and guidance, whereas emotionally charged questions such as “Why does my partner ignore me?” can be difficult for readers to interpret accurately due to their subjective nature. Additionally, if seeking answers about multiple topics at once it may be best practice for readers to break down those queries into smaller, more manageable pieces so as not to overwhelm themselves or their querents while seeking answers.
It is important not only when addressing other’s questions but also when seeking answers for ourselves that we take great care in formulating an intelligent and answerable question before beginning a Tarot Card reading session. When done correctly this can set up both the reader and the querent with tangible results from which each person can glean valuable insight during their journey of self-discovery.