Seven of Swords

It’s funny how life can take you by surprise. One day, you’re minding your own business, and the next, you find yourself completely lost. I never imagined that I would be lost at this point in my life, but here I am. Everything seems so uncertain and it feels like there is no way out. I’ve been struggling to make sense of it all and realized that maybe predestination and destiny are real after all.

I told Fate that I don’t know what to do and I feel so overwhelmed. It seems like every time I try to take a step in the right direction, something happens to knock me off balance. And then there are times when I feel like I’m just stuck in place, not able to move forward no matter how much I want to.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m hoping for something better. A brighter future where I can finally be happy and at peace. Maybe that’s too much to ask for, but I can always hope. The psychic told me that my present is represented by the seven swords tarot card and doesn’t look good. But she also said that the future is not set in stone and that there is still time for a change. So here’s to hoping for a better tomorrow.

Her words snapped me out of a mental fixation on doom and the uncertainty of the present: the one where you know what’s going to happen next because it’s already happened – and so did all those who lived before you. There are no surprises in this life; only inevitability waiting to be revealed one by one to each new generation when their time comes round.