Happy New Year!!

Using Tarot cards to usher in a great New Year in 2023 can be an incredibly powerful and enlightening practice. The tarot is a form of divination that seeks to connect us with our intuition and gain insight into what the future has in store for us. By engaging with this ancient tool, we can harness the energies of the coming year and begin our journey of self-discovery.

The tarot generally consists of 78 cards – 22 major arcana cards, which represent life’s grand themes, and 56 minor arcana cards, which are divided into four suits (Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands). Each card has its own meaning when interpreted by an experienced reader. With these meanings in mind, we can use the tarot as an aid in manifesting our desired outcomes for the year ahead.

For example, drawing the Ace of Cups card could indicate new beginnings in love and relationships; drawing the King of Swords might signify someone who will have a positive influence over us throughout the coming year; drawing the 10 of Pentacles could mean that financial security is on its way; and so on.

Using Tarot cards for divination also allows us to look inwardly at ourselves and make better-informed decisions about how to live more authentically in alignment with our true desires. Asking questions like ‘What do I need to focus on this year?’ or ‘What areas do I need to improve upon?’ can help bring clarity that would otherwise remain hidden beneath our conscious minds.

Whatever information we glean from our reading should be taken with careful deliberation so that we may make informed choices as we progress through 2023. We can keep track of all aspects of life by writing down any insights gained during each session, as well as any actionable steps we take toward achieving our goals. This way, when it comes time to reflect on all that we have accomplished over another twelve months, there will be evidence to show how far we have come since making those resolutions back at the start of Happy New Year!